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[英文] 西夏王陵英文介绍 [複製鏈接]

Yuanhao assumed the imperial title, it was knownas the Xia Kingdom.
& I4 ^  K1 ?3 F+ l# j* d: V  元昊有皇帝的头衔,被称为夏国王。/ u, e# H5 }0 f. M) _
  In 1227, Western Xia was conquered by Yuanemperor Tai Zu (Genghis Khan).
$ z! [, D! ?& N: e) d8 r  1227年,西夏被元皇帝元世祖(成吉思汗)征服。, i7 N8 e( v7 P( @9 _/ Y
  The Western Xia had ten ruling emperors over a 190year period.
! X+ ?/ \! G" P$ r' X  在190年中西夏有十位执政皇帝。
3 Z4 U2 X$ U0 y% b% ]! Q  The sites of the imperial mausoleums were chosen nearby at the east foot of the HelanMountains, 25 kilometers west of Yinchuan City.1 `$ f6 x. ~* I' V, x6 Q" e0 F
2 M$ v' ~; B8 z. Z# f: x" @. x+ ~  On the southeast corner at the foot of the Helan Mountains are two large mausoleums,6 @0 h5 }9 Y6 M0 [! v" y
( t+ R+ m7 f3 N8 ^6 H! O$ B
' z# O, T: t8 A- D) E! m  probably Jialing and Yuling mausoleums of Li Jiqian and li Demin,who were posthumouslydesignated Emperor Tai Zu and Emperor Tai Zong.0 Q; m. t" ~) z( \
3 q2 X( @$ w; T  The architectural arrangement of the mausoleum area makes these two mausoleums mostprominent, followed by others built later.
+ Q4 M6 i" w  @, N' w9 m2 u% v2 C  陵墓的建筑布置使得这两个陵墓最突出,跟着是别人随后建造的。
: k5 C3 g( K$ \; D2 H  Like other imperial tombs, Western Xia mausoleums were composed of two architecturalunits, the mausoleum gardens above ground and underground palaces.
) z& y$ b+ {- ~1 T  和其他帝王墓一样,西夏陵墓由地上陵墓花园和地宫两个建筑单元组成。
: X2 P8 R- S2 {: n% V' Z  All the mausoleum gardens faced south, and their architectural forms above ground have someunique characteristics,  n5 O# [  `# O6 L0 e; g0 d
  陵墓花园都朝南,其地面上的建筑都有一些独特的特点,/ k- q% n! K8 t0 Z9 d* ~
  though they are quite similar to mausoleums of the Tang and Northern Song dynasties inGongxian County.
% G# @7 U  v' _- ^1 y% q( i+ ^8 M  尽管他们非常类似于唐,北宋王朝珙县的陵墓。. Y1 g6 a! {( f! J/ e; ]4 W1 i
1 {9 ]- e2 z5 _8 V: i4 X
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